Mindfulness at Chrismas

Let’s take this stuff seriously

Mindfulness at Christmas – who has time!!

Before you completely dismiss this article because you are way too busy, think about what mindfulness is all about – OH and especially Christmas. Mindfulness at Christmas is spending time in the moment, understanding how it makes you feel & working through all the emotions to perform at your best.

Four key reasons to try to be more mindful this Christmas:

  1. Mindfulness helps improve our thinking, helps us understand our emotions & supports the way we interact with others.
  2. Mindfulness helps us see the moment as it is unfolding, enjoying what life is sharing with us – as it is happening.
  3. Mindfulness helps us react to what is happening around in the most positive way, respectful way & in a way that serves us the most – for our own happiness.
  4. Mindfulness helps us perform better, feel calmer and decreases stress & anxiety levels dramatically.

So I want to ask you. This Christmas how do you want to feel? How do you want to behaviour? How much do you want to just relax and enjoy what is unfolding around? Being mindful allows all this to happen – naturally.

Part of my job as a mindfulness coach/mindset coach is to help people get to know themselves on a deeper level and uncover just how friggin wonderful they truly are. I open up parts of the mind to possibilities, to increase confidence and improve levels self-love. Over the past few months, I have created a set of beautiful mindfulness cards that are designed to help the owner learn the skills to ‘back themselves’, truly love what they see in the mirror & to know that each emotion they experience (which impacts our lives every day) is absolutely normal and doesn’t have to be negative. Here are my 21 mindfulness card (with a BONUS card just for Christmas – SUCCESS)



Take action towards where you want to be and let go of all the doubt about how to get there


Stress is the difference between where you are and where you want to be. Think about it & whether it’s worth the stress


Self-doubt is fast, powerful & believes it’s being truthful BUT it only holds power if you believe it. Stop listening


I have confidence that I am capable of anything & know I will handle any challenges that come up


When I feel sad, I will still believe in myself & understand it’s OK to feel this way sometimes


I am going to make myself proud – note to self.


Find the place inside yourself where anything is possible – this is where beautiful changes are made.


I am comfortable with who I am & will always have my own back.


When I am feeling lonely, I will remind myself of the beautiful people in my life who really care.


Not every day will be a good day but there is always good to find in every day


What really makes me happy is when I am content just being ME!!!


When I notice the good things I have in my life my happiness automatically increases


A friend is someone who helps you when you’re down and sits beside you & listens


Feeling free to be myself is a gift no one can take away from me


The things that held you down may one day be the same things that hold you up


Life is about making choices. Make choices from what is possible, not from the fear of what might go wrong.


You can make a difference in a persons life by truly listening to the words they use.


Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.


Confidence is knowing that when I fall I WILL always have the power to get back up again.


Blaming other people for how you feel takes away all your power & hands it to the other person. Be careful who you hand your power to.


A belief is just a thought you have had so many times that you think it is true


I will not punish myself for getting angry but I may hurt myself because of it

❤️ ‘Back Yourself’ – Mindfulness Cards ❤️

These beautiful mindfulness cards are the perfect gift to share with someone you love
– including yourself.
With 21 cards in the deck, there is a new mindful message to help train your brain to believe in yourself, trust yourself & have your back when times are tough. 
mindfulness cards
What are the benefits of backing yourself through mindfulness? 
  • I will always have someone who believes in me which will increase my level of happiness
  • When I make a mistake, which I will, I truly believe I will be ok.
  • I have accepted that there is no such thing as being perfect so the external pressure has gone.
  • When times are tough, I will know how to remove myself from the problem & start focusing on the solution instead
  • I trust my internal self-talk helps me and doesn’t try to bring me down.
  • The people I have surrounded myself with love me unconditionally – especially my imperfections
  • I am willing to accept responsibility for my actions, no matter what the consequences.
  • I live up to my own expectations and accept others will live up to their own – even when they differ from mine.
  • I am willing to listen to others first because I know I am heard, even if just with my own ears.

You can order them here for YOURSELF or for someone you love who needs reminding about how wonderful they truly are. Order HERE

Pick up price ONLY. For delivery, please send me an email on sales@bekind2you.com or send a text message on 0404 848 964 with location and I will send a price for postage.

Love Always

Linking up with Leanne from Deep Fried Fruit


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